What’s the Difference Between Botox and Juvederm?
If the world of Botox and fillers intimidates you, don't be! For decades, Botox and dermal fillers like Juvederm have been used safely (when in the hands of accredited medical professionals) to help patients prevent and reduce signs of aging in ways that are natural looking and subtle.
If the world of Botox and fillers intimidates you, don’t be! For decades, Botox and dermal fillers like Juvederm have been used safely (when in the hands of accredited medical professionals) to help patients prevent and reduce signs of aging in ways that are natural looking and subtle. In this article we’ll be discussing both Botox and Juvederm, how they are similar and very different. Let’s dig in.
Botox is a neurotoxin used to temporarily paralyze muscles. As we age, we naturally begin to develop deeper lines and furrows that may not only make us appear older than we are, but also give off the impression of being angry, heavy-hearted or distressed—and those are first impressions we certainly don’t want to be relaying, especially in business and family life.
How does Botox help? Botox is safely injected into overactive muscles (typically in the face) to block nerve impulses from reaching them, which in turn slows down the muscles’ ability to contract, improving the appearance of any fine lines and/or wrinkles created by these targeted muscles. The muscle’s movement is therefore relaxed, allowing the skin to smooth out and creases to fade, and often disappear.
Popular areas of injection are typically between the eyes, along the length of the forehead, around the eyes and even in the armpits to disable excessive sweating! While this nonsurgical treatment is not permanent, it typically lasts anywhere from 3-4 months.
Juvederm is a type of dermal filler composed of hyaluronic acid (an organic substance that already exists in the human body). Juvederm is a gel that is injected into specific areas of tissue to add volume and hydration.
As we age, we begin to lose elasticity in the skin, resulting in sagging, hallows and shadows in various areas of the face. Juvederm restores these vacant areas while allowing the body to naturally supply more water and hydration to the injection sites. The added plumpness and volume relays a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
Facial areas that typically lack volume and benefit from Juvederm are in the cheeks, under the eyes, along a patient’s nasal labial folds and marionette lines, as well as in the corners of the mouth and chin. Juvederm also offers immediate results that can last anywhere between 1 and 3 years before the body begins to metabolize the hyaluronic acid.
While both Botox and Juvederm can work wonders, they vary in their use and areas of injection. Botox paralyzes the muscles to smooth out the skin while Juvederm adds hydration and volume to areas that have since lost their vitality. Fortunately, Botox and Juvederm work brilliantly together to restore balance, symmetry and a more youthful and refreshed appearance to the face. For best results, any procedure should always require a consult with an accredited medical professional like Elements Spa’s board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar. When you’re in good hands, it assures that your results are optimal and natural looking, so that you can function in work and at home without the fear of looking ‘overdone.’
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