What Is a Body Lift?

The Body Lift procedure is typically performed on patients who experienced dramatic weight loss and are left with excess tissue and hanging skin.

After losing a tremendous amount of weight, many men and women are disappointed to see large amounts of loose, redundant skin that sags and hangs from various areas of their bodies, forcing them to wear the same clothes they wore when they were hundreds of pounds heavier in an effort to camouflage the hanging skin and tissue. These patients are often happy they lost the weight, however struggle with lack of self-esteem and socialization because of the displeasing reflection they see in the mirror. Fortunately, when performed by an experienced, board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon like Toronto’s own Dr. Adibfar, patients can undergo a personalized Body Lift to address, remove and contour the skin and tissues surrounding troubling areas such as the abdomen, back, thighs, hips, buttocks, and more!

The Body Lift procedure is typically performed on patients who experienced dramatic weight loss and are left with excess tissue and hanging skin. The procedure could also be performed on patients who have lost skin elasticity through the natural progression of aging, as well as patients who simply have loose and lax skin! The surgery is performed safely and successfully on both female and male patients, however because women’s bodies naturally carry more fat under their skin, the Body Lift is more often performed on female patients. 

Essentially, a Body Lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue and fat. The procedure can target various areas but is most typically performed on the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks. Patients who need more extensive work may also require a breast lift and/or arm lift. The surgery itself isn’t simply meant to remove unwanted skin for a tighter and more sleek appearance. With the expertise of one of Toronto’s best surgeons Dr. Adibfar, the surgery is meant to also reshape and contour the body, leaving proportionate amounts of fat in vital areas to leave patients with an attractive silhouette. During a Body Lift, Dr. Adibfar makes certain female patients are left with a more feminine-looking silhouette by accentuating a narrower waist with fuller hips and buttocks. Male patients are treated differently as their hips are narrower and less shapely. 

Depending on the extent of work needed, the surgery time can take anywhere from 4-5 hours. As previously mentioned, Dr. Adibfar always tailors the Body Lift to the patient, keeping their desires as well as realistic expectations in mind. While one patient may want a Body Lift that addresses the tummy, buttocks and back, another patient may require more extensive contouring including areas like the inner thighs, breasts and upper arms. The procedure is done under general anesthesia and patients usually begin by laying on their stomach so that Dr. Adibfar can efficiently remove skin and fat from the lower back while lifting the buttocks. Once all areas of the patient’s backside are addressed and the incision is closed, the patient is safely and carefully turned over to address the front side which includes the abdominals, hips, thighs and upper body if required. The procedure involves the removal of tissue along a long incision line across the torso that starts at the belly button, goes around to the back of the spine, then back around to the front—also why the Body Lift can be referred to as a belt lipectomy. Once the excess tissue and fat is removed, the two new available edges of skin are securely stitched to each other to form a new incision line. 

Immediately after surgery, the incision line will appear very red and may also raise. This is natural as incision lines and scars typically look worse before they slowly start to fade and gradually flatten. Dr. Adibfar also makes certain the scar is located as low as possible across the hips and back to ensure any indication of having had a surgery would be easily concealed by underwear or a bathing suit. Patients fully recovered from a Body Lift are some of the most satisfied patients, and strongly believe a faint incision line is worth the dramatic improvement the Body Lift has on transforming their body to the shape they’ve always wanted. 

Patients will need to plan for adequate care during their recovery. Any core exercises or exertions, which may include lifting, pushing or pulling, will need to be avoided for a few weeks before resuming back to normal daily routine. The first few days can be difficult so patients are advised to have the support of a caregiver, friend or family member to take care and help them with simple movements and/or daily chores. Rest is imperative, especially during the first couple of weeks, however patients are encouraged to gently move around or walk just after surgery to improve swelling, bruising and circulation. Patients may also be required to wear a compression garment for several weeks. After 6-8 weeks, patients are typically able to return to their normal activities and active lifestyles.  

Results of the Body Lift are astounding on all levels. After a full, healthy recovery, patients are happy to find they have an improved and well-defined body shape that is well contoured to enhance their physical appearance. Patients feel more confident and thoroughly enjoy the feeling of fitting into new clothes. Patients will notice that their skin is a lot smoother with improved tissue elasticity, less skin folds and irregularities, and a more proportioned figure. Stubborn areas of fat deposits can also be removed via liposuction leaving patients less self conscious and naturally more inclined to engage with others. Patients often describe the benefits of having had a Body Lift as having removed a tremendous impediment in their lives to make room for more opportunity, happiness, health and satisfaction. 

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