Use Unwanted Fat to Love Your Body More

Eliminating Unwanted Fat

What if we said that the unwanted fat you have on your body can be used to create a more flattering silhouette? Or that you can add volume to your cheeks and other areas of your face utilizing your own body’s fat rather than synthetic matter? It’s true! And we’re about to take a closer look at fat transfer and body contouring in this article. Let’s dive in.

Fat transfer and grafting are performed utilizing wonderful techniques on many areas of the body. Essentially it involves taking fat from areas where you don’t want it (or areas where it exists in excess) and placing it in areas where you do want it. Areas that can benefit from fat transfer are the buttocks, breasts, hands, areas of the face and more. Patients who’ve had breast lumps removed may opt for fat transfer to fill in any divots remaining from the removal. Other breast deformities, or patients who simply need to add a little more volume, can also benefit from fat transfer. As we age we also lose volume in areas of the face like our cheeks, as well as our hands, exposing protruding veins and wrinkles that may make us appear older. Fat transfer can also be used in these scenarios to replace lost volume. Here’s an added benefit: because a patient is using their fat, it is highly unlikely that their bodies would reject or react to the harvested fat when reintroduced to areas needing volume. Fat transfer also provides longer-lasting results!

Board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar begins by removing the unwanted fat via liposuction. Liposuction can be done from a patient’s abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips or anywhere else where fat is in excess. For patients requesting fat grafting for volume that they would like added to certain facial features, the amount of fat removed is very minimal. Once liposuction is complete, Dr.  Adibfar continues by carefully reinjecting the processed fat into areas of the body that require volume. While this sounds fairly straightforward, patients should always take caution when choosing their plastic surgeon. Injecting seems fairly easy, however, the way it’s injected — as well as your surgeon’s expertise in contouring — prove paramount in assuring great results.

When a patient’s fat is reintroduced into the body, not all fat cells survive. That means that immediately after the procedure the area with added volume may appear bigger than intended. Dr. Adibfar must account for the fat cells’ survival rate when injecting. After approximately 2-3 months, patients will see full results depending on the area of the body. The fat cells’ survival rate also varies and depends on the harvest sight, the reintroduction site, as well as the patient’s overall skin condition, health, and quality of the fat. While fat transfer is a more natural way of placing fat where a patient most desires it, it’s also important to note that fat transfer is best used to add volume to areas where it already exists. For example, fat transfer can not replace a breast augmentation that utilizes implants because an implant has structure, and therefore can provide more predictable projection and results. Therefore patients who desire a bit more fullness in areas like the breast and buttocks would benefit more from fat grafting rather than patients looking for volume in areas where it doesn’t presently exist. 

If you feel you can benefit from fat transfer and are seeking a more natural alternative to fillers and other more synthetic formulas, then feel free to contact us to find out if fat transfer is right for you!

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