The Most Popular Areas for Facial Implants: Chins, Cheekbones & Jaw Angles

Every patient's face is uniquely different. That's why there will never be a 'one size fits all,' or 'one procedure fits all' type of facial implant surgery.

Every patient’s face is uniquely different. That’s why there will never be a ‘one size fits all,’ or ‘one procedure fits all’ type of facial implant surgery. Due to one’s age, ethnicity, skin type and genetics, there will always be many varying factors and limits to consider when attempting to achieve a specific desired result. Some may need more volume in certain areas, while others require more definition and structure. In this post we’ll be discussing the most popular and beneficial areas patients receive facial implants! As always, any procedure’s results relies heavily (if not solely) on the surgeon’s experience and expertise. Your surgeon should be able to clearly identify areas of your face that need attention while greatly considering facial balance and symmetry, and tailoring techniques and tools to the specific patient. Always research and look for a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon like Elements Spa’s Dr. Adibfar, who has extensive successful experience performing Maxillo facial procedures on patients of varying ages, ethnicities and skin types. Let’s look at facial implants in more detail!

The three most popular areas of the face to receive facial implants are the chin, cheekbones and jaw line. And while a patient might only receive an implant in one of those areas, many times, while considering the patient’s facial balance, other facial implants or procedures may be considered. Facial implants are made of varying materials, but more commonly made of silicone or porous plastics. Depending on which area of the face it will be inserted, the facial implant may be further moulded to more seamlessly sit onto the bone for more natural looking projection and contour.

Chin Implants

It’s quite astounding the difference a well-placed and sculpted chin implant can make on the appearance and confidence of a patient. These patients typically lack chin projection, relaying a meek, timid and tolerant first impression. Strength and confidence is greatly associated to individuals with well-balanced and pronounced chins. 

Chin implant surgery is a straightforward procedure that does not require significant downtime, and leaves little chance of scarring or detection. A small incision will either be made inside of the mouth, or just under the chin. Dr. Adibfar then makes a small pocket for the chin implant to sit securely onto the bone. Once the implant is secured, the incision is closed. Patients will see improvement immediately, however may experience slight swelling and discomfort around the chin a few days after surgery. Most are able to return to work approximately one to two weeks after surgery after stitches have been removed. 

Cheekbone Implants

Cheekbone implants can greatly improve a patient’s profile and overall proportion. These implants are popular options for both younger and more mature patients. Younger patients lacking structure and fullness, as well as mature patients who’ve lost volume in the area, find cheekbone implants very beneficial in permanently replacing lost volume and relaying a more full and youthful appearance. 

A small incision is typically made just inside the lip where Dr. Adibfar has easy access to dissect a small pocket for the implant to sit perfectly onto the patient’s cheekbone. Once the implant is secured and the patient has fully healed from the procedure, they notice more contour and fullness as the cheekbone implants build on the bone to provide more harmonious balance to other features of the face as well. 

Jaw line/angle Implants

Jaw implants typically need to be hand crafted or customized precisely to fit onto the patient’s jaw bone. This can involve a CT scan so that the implant is made identical to sit nicely on the jaw. Patients may require both extended jaw angle implants in conjunction with a chin implant. This would give the patient the strong and angular jaw line they wished for. 

When placing the implant, Dr. Adibfar typically makes an incision under the chin, as well as inside the mouth. Depending on the patient’s existing jaw structure, Dr. Adibfar may also need to secure the implant down to the jaw with tiny screws to assure it stays in place. Once fully healed, patients notice more noticeable facial definition and balance, as well as a strong and structured jaw line. Patients with naturally less defined jaw lines (as well as weaker chins) will find this implant very beneficial.

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