The Amazing Benefits of IPL

An important topic regarding the intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment.

Have years of sun damage, pollution, general stress and questionable lifestyle choices made your skin look drab and troublesome? Are you noticing new spots appearing on your skin more often and more rapidly as the years go by? Do you often wish you could feel comfortable heading out the door makeup-free and fresh-faced? Fortunately, our team at Toronto’s Elements Spa can help you get a clear complexion by reducing and removing dark spots, sun damage, rosacea, and even mild acne, utilizing a noninvasive treatment that can be used on any area of your skin that displays mild to severe hyper pigmentation. Let’s take a closer look at IPL!

IPL stands for intense pulsed light, a safe and effective mechanism that uses light to essentially ‘detox’ the skin of pigmentation. The device uses high energy level heat and light to kill bacteria on the skin while destroying any colour or melanin showing up as pigment. The light picks up the skin’s pigmentation — including dark sun spots, freckles, rosacea, broken capillaries and mild active acne — and brings it to the surface. Over a couple of days, this pigmentation will appear darker on the patient’s skin until it eventually falls off naturally.

The session begins by applying a numbing cream to the treated area. Most commonly treated areas include the face, neck, shoulders, chest and arms. After approximately 20 minutes, the numbing cream has taken effect and the medically-trained aesthetic technician is able to begin. The technician carefully places eye protection over the patient to protect their eyes from the spectrums of light, then applies a cooling gel to the area to help conduct the light energy to the skin. Next, a hand piece is carefully and quickly passed over the entire treatment area while delivering flashes of light. Patients often report that their skin feels warm and that the pulsed light almost feels like a gentle rubber band against the skin. The technician will pass over the skin while constantly assessing the skin’s reaction to the pulsed light. Once the session is complete, the technician carefully wipes off any remaining gel and proceeds with detailed aftercare instructions.

Patients will immediately notice that any pigmentation, dark spots, freckles or broken capillaries will appear darker right after treatment. This means that the IPL has done its job and the pigmentation is on its way to the skin’s surface. Patients will leave treatment looking somewhat flushed and feeling as though their skin is slightly sunburnt. Over the next several days, pigmentation will continue to come to the skin’s surface, appearing darker and taking on a somewhat coffee grind like look and slight texture. Over the next 5-10 days, the pigmentation will naturally flake off the skin, revealing light clear skin underneath.

The IPL initiates a somewhat self-exfoliation process, and it’s crucially important that patients not interfere during recovery. Patients should wear ample sun protection, as well as refrain from any picking or scratching the skin. Patients can also wear makeup and continue in their daily routine throughout recovery. Most patients require a treatment regimen of 4-6 sessions depending on the severity of their pigmentation. After approximately 14 days, the skin should be fully recovered and patients will notice a clearer, younger more rejuvenated complexion with less pigmentation and more even skin.

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