Sexy Calves That You Won’t Find In The Gym

An important topic regarding Calf Augmentation.

Summertime is around the corner! That means, sunbathing, relaxing by the pool or beach, and enjoying wearing cute, light, and more revealing outfits. If you’re not blessed with the most ideal genetics, then bearing your legs in shorts, skirts, dresses, or bathing suits may make you cringe. Some women and men are fortunate enough to have genetics that predispose them to legs and calves that are sculpted and beautifully-contoured. Others run to the gym practicing targeted weight and strength exercises to give them more muscular-looking calves. Unfortunately, there are no exercises that will give you sculpted calves if your DNA does not allow for it. That’s where we come in! At Toronto’s Elements Spa, board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar (and his meticulously-trained staff) can quickly and safely give you sculpted and contoured calves that you’ll love to show off this summer!

The body you were born with may not be exactly the way you desire, and it may be difficult to improve on certain areas with exercise alone. Calf augmentation can certainly change the contour of your lower leg, enhancing your legs’ appearance and your overall self-confidence. Today the majority of calf implants are made of soft solid silicone and are chosen for various reasons. Maybe your calves are not well developed or appear asymmetrical. One or both calves may also show signs of reduced musculature as a result of some illness or condition. Implants are the most efficient way to improve the contour and accentuate the calves. 

Dr. Adibfar may use one or two implants on each calf depending on the existing symmetry or lack there-of. A thinner-shaped implant may also be used for shaping more petite patients. Patients should note that the size of the implant will also be limited by the patient’s skin tightness and tissues. Dr. Adibfar will help you choose the implant that will best assimilate to your body for beautiful, natural-looking results.

The implants are carefully placed in the patient’s calf by creating a small pocket underneath the skin above the muscle. This allows the implant to be safely placed in the leg so that the tissues and muscles are protected and the implant sits more comfortably in the calf. This also allows for more natural-looking results. The incision is placed in the crease in the back of the knee and spans only a few centimeters. Once Dr. Adibfar carefully creates the pocket, the implant(s) are inserted. He also checks that there is no tension and that both calves appear natural and symmetrical. The layers of tissue are then secured before Dr. Adibfar closes the incisions with dissolvable sutures. 

After following Dr. Adibfar’s detailed post-operative instructions, patients are left with toned, sculpted, natural-looking calves! The skin heals beautifully along with the curvature, and the implants acclimate to the muscles, tissues, and body when patients are careful to allow sufficient time for healing and recovery. If you’re considering calf augmentation, you should not fear scars. Scars are hidden in the crease of the back of the knee leaving them virtually undetectable as they fade. What remains are attractive legs that our patients are proud to show off in high heels, shorts, dresses, and bathing suits. Men also enjoy the look of more sculpted, contoured, and muscular legs!

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