Can A Breast Augmentation Improve Cleavage?

An important topic regarding breast augmentations is breast cleavage.

While the perception of a ‘boob job’ decades ago seemed limited to represent one particular look (artificial and disproportioned), breast augmentations today are performed using procedures, approaches and materials to best suit each distinct patient and their needs. Implants come in numerous shapes and sizes (as well as are made using various materials) to assure they safely assimilate and deliver the projection and look the patient is looking for.

An important topic regarding breast augmentations is breast cleavage. Women of different ages and sizes desire not only a specific shape but also expect their cleavage to appear a certain way after recovering from surgery. While board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar will help you achieve the augmentation and cleavage you desire, it’s important each patient is aware of determining factors that can affect the way your cleavage looks. Let’s take a closer look!

We are all built differently, therefore a person’s individual anatomy and body defer greatly from patient to patient. A patient’s chest cavity and muscles play a significant role in determining what a patient’s cleavage will look like after full recovery from a breast augmentation. Some patients have a shorter distance between breast muscles, while others are naturally set further apart.

A patient’s pectoral muscles and their shape, are crucial regarding the decision between implants, as well as how they will be placed under the muscle. Certain characteristics of a patient’s breast muscles will affect how the implants will sit in your chest, as well as how the midline (or cleavage) will appear. Some patients have muscles that are thicker and broader, while others may be more thin and narrow. Dr. Adibfar will assess whether the patient’s chest cavity and breastbone are flatter, or whether they are more rounded. The shape and size of the implant will combine with the above determinants to show whether the cleavage is also set more deep in the chest wall. These factors all point to the need for patients to seek the surgical skill and experience of a board-certified surgeon who can access these variables and provide ideal cleavage dependant on the patient’s anatomy.

If a patient with more separated breast muscles—or a broader chest cavity—were to undergo breast augmentation desiring closer cleavage, and the surgeon did not consider the patient’s frame, the implants might be placed too close together, resulting in many complications. These complications may include the two individual implants adhering together (when implants are placed over the muscle), giving the look of two attached breasts. The nipples will also sit further away from the center of the breasts pointing outward on the breasts’ sides. For reasons like these and more, it is vitally important patients seek the expertise of an experienced board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon like Dr. Adibfar who can assess honestly while delivering real improvements to the patient’s body.

A patient’s skin condition will also affect the look of the chest’s cleavage. Some patients naturally have cleavage skin that is more loose and free from the body, while others’ skin sits tighter to the muscle. This is an important factor as the implants will take up more area in the patient’s chest. Patients should also pay close attention to the shape and size of the implant they choose, as those aspects are just as important. As mentioned, every patient has unique physical qualities, as well as unique desires when it comes to the way they want their breasts to look. Some patients prefer a more natural look, while others desire more obvious projection. In either instance, patients are advised to pick a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon they can trust, like Toronto’s Elements Dr. Adibfar.

Dr. Adibfar is able to assess the patient’s requests and advise the patient on which type of implant to use, as well as the size that will please them while still maintaining appropriate proportions to the patient’s frame and chest. This requires a well-experienced surgeon who not only looks at the chest, but the patient’s total frame and key dimensions to determine what would look best and fit well with their existing constitution. This will also better predict what kind of cleavage the patient will have after full recovery.

For those patients seeking more Cleavage despite what their rib cage and pectoral muscle anatomy allows, fat grafting procedure can be done secondarily for further improvement.

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