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Laser hair removal provides relief and a renewed sense of confidence and freedom.

We all know that shaving, waxing, tweezing and threading are methods that can only provide temporary hair removal results. For some, hair can begin to regrow immediately, making hair removal a tedious and frustrating daily ritual required to maintain personal grooming standards. And while these methods do work to remove visible hair temporarily, patients find that the benefits of permanent hair reduction and removal via laser hair removal provides relief and a renewed sense of confidence and freedom. Let’s discuss how typical hair removal methods work first.

Shaving and Waxing

Shaving with razors removes visible hair on the surface of the skin but doesn’t remove the hair’s bulb. Waxing rips hair out by the bulb but doesn’t cause permanent reduction because the bulb remains present in regrowth. While both methods result in temporary hair removal, they prove ineffective in delivering long-lasting results. Subtle regrowth can appear in as little as a few hours after shaving, and waxing typically leaves skin hair-free for only one to two weeks depending on the person and area treated. Laser hair removal however, provides long-lasting, permanent results.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Elements’ certified laser technicians use Light Sheer the latest, most effective, state-of-the-art laser technology for quick, safe and efficient hair removal for patients of all skin types and varying hair colours. Although the most effective permanent hair removal seems to be with patients who have darker, coarser hair, and lighter skin at Elements we do have options catered to patients with lighter hair and darker skin tones.

When applied to the skin, the laser targets the hair follicle and destroys it at its root for permanent hair reduction. The laser is attracted to the melanin in the skin and dark pigment of the hair. The beam of light heats the hair follicle, shrinking it and encouraging the hair to fall out. Over time, the hair will begin to grow back, only thinner, finer and slower than before. This regrowth signals patients to come in for their next session. The hair itself experiences three phases of growth, and the laser targets the hair follicle when it’s in its most active growth stage to destroy the bulb for effective, long-lasting results.

The laser glides gently over the skin delivering a sensation that some patients describe as a weak, warm pinching. For more sensitive areas, a numbing cream may be used over the treated area prior to receiving the laser. Depending on the area to be treated—as well as skin and hair type—a patient may need anywhere from 3-6 sessions (sometimes more) to achieve permanent absence of growth. Patients frequently comment that they see a big difference in the quality of their hair just after the first treatment, reporting that it grows in slower and feels softer, especially around areas of more stubborn, thick or coarse growth (ie. underarms, ankles), making laser hair removal the optimal option for permanent hair reduction.

Because the laser treats the follicle deep below the top layer of skin, roots that aren’t yet visible begin to make their way up toward the surface. Sometimes these hairs find it difficult to push their way through the surface of the skin, so gentle daily exfoliation and dry brushing will allow them to surface more quick and easily, preventing ingrown hairs and bumps from forming.

Your First Session

Patients will receive some instructions and guidelines before receiving their first laser hair removal treatment. In the initial consultation, one of our highly-experienced laser technicians will ask questions concerning the patient’s general health conditions and medical history. Patients will also need to abstain from taking any photo-sensitizing medications (ie. antibiotics, retinoids, diuretics) for one week prior to their session, and should call their laser technician in case of emergency if they’ll need to take any medication close to the scheduled treatment.

Patients will also need to refrain from laying out in the sun and/or avoid sun beds for at least a week to ten days before their laser hair removal session. Recent sun exposure can cause hyper or hypo pigmentation to the skin, as well as increase the chance of the laser burning the skin as it is more sensitive during this time. Patients will shave all areas receiving treatment up to 24 hours before their scheduled session. This is to make sure that the skin has time to settle and won’t appear irritated just before treatment. Shaving will also keep the hairs’ follicles and bulbs intact, allowing the laser access to impair, destroy and prevent it from regrowing. For this reason it is critical patients refrain from plucking, tweezing, waxing or threading any hair in the treated area for the entire duration that they receive laser hair removal sessions. After each session, patients are asked to refrain from sunbathing and to use a generous amount of SPF over treated areas that may be exposed to the sun.

On the day of the first session, patients will be asked not to wear any skin care products including lotions, moisturizers, perfumes, deodorants or makeup (if areas of the face will be treated). The laser technician will ask each patient a few questions to make certain all precautionary guidelines were followed to prepare the candidate for their first laser hair removal session. After all questions have been answered and the patient has removed all skin care products from their treatment areas, they are ready for their first laser hair removal session! Depending on the surface area being treated, sessions can take as little as fifteen minutes from start to finish, however will take longer for patients having an extensive area treated.

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