All About Your Thighs

As many of you know, women can carry fat a lot differently than men do on their bodies.

As many of you know, women can carry fat a lot differently than men do on their bodies. While men appear to gain weight in common areas such as their midsection, arms and back, many women tend to hold fat around their lower abdominals, thighs and buttocks. While fat in this area isn’t necessarily a bad thing, many of our female patients complain that no matter how healthy they eat or how hard they workout, they can’t seem to sculpt or lose those last few pounds around their thighs. Other women who’ve lost significant weight may also turn to surgical alternatives to address any lax or excess hanging skin as a result of weight loss. In this article we’ll be taking a closer look at how Toronto’s Elements Spa addresses these issues surgically with fantastic results!

The thigh is a very intricate area composed of several muscles and tendons that control circulation, balance, rotation of our legs, and provide support to strong hips and glutes. For this reason, addressing the thighs surgically (or any body part) should be undertaken by a very experienced board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon like Dr. Adibfar.

Every patient is unique and therefore will hold weight around their thighs differently. Some may show more excess fat on the outer thighs, others on their inner thighs. Excess fat may also be found on the front and back of the thighs causing dimpling and sagging. Many patients exhibit a combination of more than one, if not all of these areas. Dr. Adibfar uses specialized techniques customized to each patient to make certain they achieve the results previously discussed before undergoing the procedure. Any surgeon who addresses a patient’s thighs using a ‘one-size-fits-all’ method will surely lend mediocre or poor results, so patients are always advised to do ample research when choosing their board-certified plastic surgeon.

Depending on the patient’s preoperative constitution, Dr. Adibfar typically begins by applying liposuction to areas of the thigh showing excess fat, whether that be the inner or outer thigh, as well as the upper or lower half of the patient’s thigh. Liposuction also allows Dr. Adibfar to better reshape and contour the patient’s thighs for a more proportioned silhouette and smoother lines.

Some patients don’t need liposuction and simply require a lift. For patients with excess skin, Dr. Adibfar will decide whether a vertical or horizontal scar will prove more effective in removing the excess, sagging skin, as well as what type of scar and where the scar will be placed, keeping the scar as discreet as possible. A small incision (that will later turn into a short scar) may be strategically positioned within the groin line or crease. This incision will allow Dr. Adibfar to be able to lift the skin of the upper thigh up towards the groin for sufficient lift. A long scar may be selected for patients with more excess skin. This incision creates a T scar with the top of the T going across the groin crease, and the bottom going down the inside of the thigh. This allows for more ample removal, especially for patients needing more contour along the bottom half of the thigh. Dr. Adibfar also understands that creating a smooth contour is incredibly important along the thigh, allowing for a more attractive and beautiful silhouette.

Depending on the customized procedure, recovery from this surgery can last anywhere between 5-6 weeks. Dr. Adibfar will provide his patient with detailed post-operative recovery instructions to insure excellent healing. A week after surgery, patients will return to the office to remove any bandages or stitches.

Compression garments will also be worn to support the thighs throughout recovery. After 5-6 weeks, patients are typically able to return to their regular routines which may include more physical activities.

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