How to Maintain Your Results From Liposuction

An important topic regarding liposuction.

Liposuction combined with body contouring is one of the most commonly performed procedures here at Toronto’s Elements Spa. While it’s exciting that liposuction can remove that pesky excess, unwanted fat, patients will need to practice their due diligence after surgery by carefully following board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar’s post-operative instructions to maintain the results for years, even decades, to come. In this blog, we’ll be taking a closer look at how you would need to take care of yourself after having liposuction. We hope you find this helpful. Let’s dive in!

By definition, liposuction refers to the removal of excess fat. That fat can exist anywhere on your body, from your chin down to your calves and ankles. And yes, that fat can be removed! Liposuction does not, however, replace healthy weight loss and is not a solution to obesity-related issues. For those undergoing liposuction — whether on its own or in combination with another procedure — here are the general guidelines and considerations to adhere to maintain your beautiful results!

After surgery, Dr. Adibfar will carefully apply dressings to facilitate the incisions’ healing. Depending on the area of the body you received liposuction, Dr. Adibfar will have you wearing comfortable compression garments over the area. These garments work to compress the tissues and allow the body to assimilate into its new shape. Depending on the area where liposuction was performed, the compression garments will stay on for varying amounts of time. If you had liposuction anywhere starting from your chin down to your arms, you’ll typically need to wear your garments anywhere from 1-2 weeks. For areas like the torso, hips, and thighs, the garments will need to be worn anywhere from 4-8 weeks. Other areas lower on the body including the knees and calves will typically need to be wrapped in a compression garment for a duration of somewhere between 10-12 weeks. These are all general guidelines and will greatly depend on your body and Dr. Adibfar’s detailed, and meticulously individualized post-operative instructions.

Your results will also depend greatly on your lifestyle. You should maintain a healthy caloric intake with a diet focused on protein, vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates. It’s also very important to stay hydrated and drink lots of water to flush out any accumulated toxins and keep the body’s blood circulating. Rather than 3 large meals a day, it’s advised that you eat several smaller meals throughout the day to aid in digestion, and skipping meals or engaging in unhealthy diet practices will greatly hinder your results. While rest is needed, you mustn’t stay sedentary. Light walks around the block are very important to maintain circulation and help the body heal faster.

Along with anti-nausea and pain medication, Dr. Adibfar may also prescribe gentle lymphatic drainage massage. Again, this will help your body’s circulation while flushing out toxins. It is also beneficial for reducing scar tissue. Your scar will naturally harden before it begins to soften and fade. Lymphatic drainage massage (alongside possible ultrasound) will help soften the scar tissue, improve lymphatic flow, facilitate drainage and decrease any swelling.

If you’re considering liposuction and are proven to be an ideal candidate for the surgery, you must understand that the procedure alone will not guarantee long-lasting results. With meticulous self-care and appropriate lifestyle choices, Dr. Adibfar can give you long-lasting results that you can enjoy and take pride in for years to come.

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