Addressing Sagging Breasts After Having Children
An important topic regarding breast augmentation.
Many changes take place in a woman’s body after having children. The body has undergone a tremendous amount of transformation and growth, and expecting it to bounce back immediately after childbirth simply isn’t realistic. Many nursing mothers find that their breasts never return to the same fullness and shape as they were previously to having children. These women are disheartened to find that their once lifted, perky breasts, now sag and look deflated. Fortunately, Toronto’s Elements Spa — led by board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar — can provide a solution to these hard-working mothers. Let’s take a closer look at breast augmentation.
Childbirth is an absolute miracle, however as previously mentioned, it can take a dramatic toll on a woman’s body. For these and many other reasons, mothers come in to Elements to undergo breast augmentation. Typically, mothers have the procedure after having completed their childbearing. While mothers can still breastfeed after having implants placed in their chest, multiple pregnancies can ultimately change the look and shape of your breasts requiring further surgery.
Many mothers are unhappy with their depleted looking chests. At Elements, we consult with these patients to decide on the right implants, cleavage, as well as the appropriate size and shape to best fit each patient’s rib cage, waist, and body as a whole. During these consultations, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar takes his time to listen to each patient’s wants as well as thoroughly explains which options would be best suited to the individual. As with every cosmetic plastic surgery, breast augmentation is not a one-size-fits-all procedure, and Dr. Adibfar makes sure to diligently tailor each technique to the patient during surgery. While some women prefer a more natural look, others choose to have more obvious projection in their profile. For these (and all) patients, Dr. Adibfar examines her chest to assess if the skin can stretch to the patient’s desired size.
An implant is usually placed under the breast tissue (and sometimes the muscle) so that all normal functions of the breast and nipple are left intact. That means that mothers will be able to breastfeed after getting implants should they get pregnant. Placing the implant under the tissue also makes it appear more natural rather than hard and artificial.
After recovery, these patients are thrilled with their results! Many very enthusiastically remark that the procedure gave them the boost they needed and that it was a completely life-changing experience. These women are excited to try on new bras and bikinis and have more fun buying clothes. After recovery, these moms usually say that their confidence levels are improved and that they feel more attractive, voluptuous and womanly. They also feel more comfortable with their partners in romantic settings.
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