Anti-Aging with PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy, is a procedure that utilizes and concentrates a patient's own blood.

Did you know you could safely treat your fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging with your own blood? Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, better known as PRP Therapy, is a procedure that utilizes and concentrates a patient’s own blood to be re-injected into areas of the face and/or neck showing signs of aging. In this article we’ll be discussing the anti-aging benefits of the procedure, however it is important to note that PRP has also been shown to significantly improve and address other concerns such as baldness and stimulation of regrowth, as well is used by orthopedic surgeons and other doctors treating patients with damaged joints, tissues and tendons.

What Makes our Blood Powerful?

Our blood naturally contains various growth factors that when used for anti-aging are stimulating, regenerating and rejuvenating. Platelets are cells of the blood that release these growth factors to stimulate healing and renewal. These small, disc-shaped cell fragments circulate in the blood to repair wounded blood vessels and contain cell signalling proteins which aid in the healing and repair of damaged tissues. PRP has many more platelets than normal plasma because it contains increased concentrations of these growth factors. This speeds up the process of rejuvenation via a therapeutic dose of platelets prepared utilizing a specialized centrifuge system.

The Procedure

Once the surgeon and patient discuss and agree on areas that are to be treated, the surgeon will begin by applying a numbing local anesthetic cream over treatment areas to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient. The treatment begins by taking a small sample of the patient’s blood (usually from inside of the arm). Once drawn, the blood is then placed in a centrifuge system that spins in order to concentrate the platelets by at least three times its normal strength. This centrifuge separates the red blood cells from the plasma, further enhancing the quality of the platelets within the plasma. The blood sample typically takes up to 10 minutes to concentrate.

While the blood remains in the centrifuge system, the surgeon will gently remove any anesthetic cream and sterilize the areas of injection. Once the centrifuge process is complete, the collected fraction of blood containing concentrated platelets is re-injected into the patient’s desired areas using a micro needle. Because this procedure utilizes the patient’s own mechanisms to stimulate repair of damaged tissues, the risks associated are very minimal and the therapeutic doses quickly assimilate to their surrounding tissues, exposing themselves to collagen and releasing their stored growth factors.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Some of the most commonly treated areas for male and female patients are under the eyes, fine lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth, areas of neck and décolletage, as well any other areas showing depletion, volume loss and/or pigmentation. Fortunately for patients, PRP hydrates and provides nourishment to the skin while repairing delicate tissue. Patients may experience slight bruising and/or swelling after the procedure, however will immediately notice that treated areas appear less hallow, as well as brighter, tighter and more youthful. Over the next six weeks, new blood vessels will continue to form and remodel new tissues while encouraging stem cells to proliferate and regenerate.

PRP’s substantial, natural-looking results are long-lasting however do not stop the skin’s natural aging process. PRP can also be used in conjunction with Botox and dermal fillers for optimal results.

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