Transgender Surgery
Transgender surgery, overall an expensive procedure that can sometimes be covered by health care insurance. Regardless of the cost, this is a surgery that should be reserved for a highly-skilled plastic surgeon.
Dr. Adibfar has performed numerous transgender surgeries and is noted among one of the first plastic surgeons to perform sex reassignment surgery in Canada. Dr. Adibfar understands that sex reassignment surgery is a long term commitment, not only for the patient but also for the surgeon.
He also understands the level of detail and technical skill required in transgender surgery, feminizing of men transitioning to women, which noted, can be achieved more easily than woman transitioning to men. Hence the higher numbers of male to female. Given the differences, cost tend to be considerably higher for a female to male. Nevertheless, transgender surgery is a serious long term commitment that involves different phases throughout the life of the patient.
Elements Plastic Surgery Center is well suited to provide world-class cosmetic surgery, including cosmetic transgender surgery services. Why, because Elements surgical suites are equipped with the latest generation of surgical equipment. Furthermore, staffed with the highest level of medical professionals within their field. We offer first-class private hospital care, within the hospital also pride ourselves in providing the highest level of post-operative care in the industry. Our patient privacy and ease of a specialized medical center is our undeniable trademark.
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