Micro-fat Grafting

This procedure is aimed at improving facial and body contours without any artificial substances. Using your own natural tissue, you can smoothen and improve lips, enhance the buttocks, sharpen the jawline, soften scars or reduce lines or wrinkles on the face.

Your surgeon will discuss with you the areas of unwanted fat to be removed, such as from the stomach, buttock or hips, and what areas you would like to enhance. A detailed procedure involving the layering of tissue with capillaries and blood vessels will increase the chances of successful augmentation as well as achieving permanent results.

As with many procedures, you are advised not to smoke or use medications, such as aspirin, prior to surgery, as this increases bleeding and bruising. Any bruising or swelling usually lasts one to two weeks, and any numbness is temporary. Because this procedure only modifies your own natural substances, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction. Most results are permanent, although you are welcome to repeat the procedure to further improve contours or wrinkles in one or two years.

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