A Functional Rhinoplasty

A nose job can do more than simply straighten or correct a bump or two.

A nose job can do more than simply straighten or correct a bump or two. For many, a nose job — medically known as a rhinoplasty — serves an important purpose other than the outward appearance and aesthetics of the nose. A functional rhinoplasty addresses the nasal function or breathing. It is often combined with a septoplasty, which corrects the wall that divides the two nasal halves internally. In turn, this positively affects the way the nose may look while addressing the primary reason for a functional rhinoplasty: to correct a severe nasal deformity that significantly affects a patient’s ability to breathe. Let’s look at functional rhinoplasties in more detail!

Those who opt for a functional rhinoplasty typically do so having complaints of chronic sinus infections, constant congestion, facial pressure and pain, headaches, and not being able to breathe properly or at all. Many of these patients tend to breathe a lot through their mouths which are not as efficient or effective as breathing through the nose. It’s incredibly important to be able to breathe properly through your nose because the nose functions to smell, warm-up and moisten the air, as well as filter the air and prevent illness or congestion.

Board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar can help these patients breathe better, allow the nose to function as it should while addressing any outward aesthetics at the same time. Many of these patients suffer from a deviated septum — hence the need for a septoplasty. The septum should be straight, forming an even wall between the nostrils or nose. A deviated septum means this wall is obstructing one of the nostrils. This could occur after injury and nose bleeds, an apparent broken nose, or even as a baby while entering and exiting the birth canal!

Dr. Adibfar examines the entire underlying structure of the patient’s nose, paying particular attention to how they breathe, whether there is any collapsing, and of course, physical obstruction. An incision is typically made across the small divide of the two nostrils’ to allow for clearer access and to address a possible deviated septum. For those who have a deviated septum, the nose may appear perfect from the outside, however, on the inside, the nostrils are obstructed. For many, only a portion of the septum needs to be corrected.

For these and many other reasons, it is crucially important to choose a board-certified surgeon who understands the perception of the nose as well as the anatomy, biology and function of the nose. Changes made to the nose do inevitably affect airflow and possible sinus problems so we advise that you always choose an experienced surgeon who has a history of success with rhinoplasties. If the surgeon manipulates the area and doesn’t have the experience to correct the nose, the tip of the nose can also drop. When undergone safely and successfully, these patients always remark how forever grateful they are for having safely corrected these issues as they can breathe better and feel healthier.

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