6 Ways To Look Younger Without Surgery
Want to look younger without going under the knife? You've come to the right place! Elements Toronto and their professional staff has all the options!
Want to look younger without going under the knife? You’ve come to the right place! Although non-surgical cosmetic procedures come with their own set of possible side effects, the risks are much lower when performed by a board-certified, trusted and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Adibfar and his reputable staff at Toronto’s Elements.
In what patients report to seem like no time at all, Dr. Adibfar performs quick, comfortable procedures that result in brighter, smoother, younger-looking skin. More specifically, he can address sun spots, spider veins, sagging jowls, deep creases and wrinkles, as well as subtly reshape the face swiftly allowing for superlative results. In this article we’re listing some of Elements’ most popular procedures for achieving radiant, younger-looking skin with little hassle or discomfort and minimal down time so you can get back to your busy day.
Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels are a great alternative to more invasive cosmetic procedures, that when applied by Dr. Adibfar’s highly experienced staff are expertly-customized to suit each individual patient’s concerns and desired results. These peels range in strength to target flaws that are mild to severe by way of using a combination of acid solutions to remove dead layers that appear on the skin’s surface. The peel itself may only take 15 minutes to apply, with full results seen in the proceeding few days. Patients may experience some tingling, and can expect layers of skin to peel off, revealing newer, fresh and younger-looking skin. Chemical peels can also address age spots, scars, sun damage, wrinkles and deep creases. Depending on the severity of concern, a series of chemical peels can be administered over the span of months for optimal results.
Fillers are absolute miracle workers when administered by our experienced, highly-referred plastic surgeon at Elements. Without undergoing surgery, fillers can reshape a patient’s nose, add volume and tone, deliver a face shape that exudes more feminine or masculine characteristics and much more! There are different combinations of fillers, all suited to the purpose and desired results of the patient. Most are hyaluronic acid based, a powerful anti-aging substance found naturally in our bodies, while others can be collagen or polymer-based. Each filler works best to address different areas. Fillers are injected into troublesome areas of the face to add body, smooth out wrinkles, hide dark circles, plump the lips and reshape the face, yielding results that can last for months, or even years!
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Traditionally known for its immune-boosting effectiveness and ability to tackle flu-like symptoms, this phenomenal treatment can also be used to address areas of the face showing deep lines and wrinkles and/or facial muscles lacking tautness. Cosmetic acupuncture works by stimulating skin cells to produce more collagen allowing for newer, smoother skin, less wrinkles and a radiantly healthy glow. What’s great is that this treatment also works by addressing underlying issues in the body that can be generally linked to other health concerns related to poor digestion and even lack of sleep.
Botox is an extremely safe purified protein that’s strategically administered in tiny doses, providing results that are beautiful and natural-looking. Patients are always advised to seek out the advice of a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Adibfar, who has experience in administering botox to thousands of satisfied patients. The injection works by easing the muscles, leaving them less able to contract. This removes the cause of patients’ deep lines and wrinkles. Dr. Adibfar selects the appropriate dose customized to each patient, lending subtle, natural-looking results. The procedure itself can take mere minutes, causing little to no discomfort and presenting immediate results (with full results in a few days) that last months.
If you’re less inclined to choose injectables and are intrigued by the powerful benefits of using laser technology to address any scaring, pigmentation, deep wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage and much more, then Fraxel may be the treatment for you! These fractional lasers use erbium to penetrate the outer layers of the skin which in turn encourages collagen production, leaving patients with fresh, radiant, younger-looking skin. Patients will see fully healed results within one week of receiving treatment, and are typically advised to undergo a small series of sessions over the span of weeks for remarkable results.
These various non-surgical, anti-aging treatments are all excellent examples of effective alternatives to more invasive cosmetic procedures. Dr. Adibfar and his exceptional team at Elements offer all these services and much more to suit your concerns and give you the results you’ve been dreaming of.
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